Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Lifetime of Lovely Music

Hi There Reader,

My name is Lynne Malsack.

I have a strong, professional, musical background which started when I was a child.  My father, a professinal musician, shared his gifts and taught me, starting at age 6, the joy, entertainment and rewards of learning music.  I enjoyed studying piano and in the fourth grade added private lessons on the clarinet, played in the bands through high school.

Later, I chose to become a Music Therapist, which combines medical and music fields.  It provides client with direction, through music activities which reinforce previously learned skills plus stretch and expose them to new skills and learning opportunities.  I have worked with various populations, D.D, Cognitively Delayed, M.R., etc. and helped students/clients develop skills such as coordination, integrative interaction, communication and conceptualization.  I certainly enjoy emotional rewards and excitement with clients/students, as they progress.

Lynne has provided new and innovative solutions to problems while maintaining successful methods at various schools, (elementary, middle, high schools), health care centers, and taught both private and group music classes.  Professional organizations which have provided greater exposure, augmented her skills and knowledge include:  Natinal Association for Music Education (MENC), Milwaukee Piano Teachers Association (MAPTA), National Association of Music Therapy (NAMT), and Sweet Adelines International, "Harmoni-Q-Chorus". 

Along with collaborative development with other professionals, providing new insights which increased intellectual, social and personal development for clients/students etc., I have enjoyed a variety of Professional Shows, Musicals and Community Events which expand and give greater exposure as well as fun to my life.

Anyone looking for Great Shows and Cheap Seats let me know !!


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