Monday, October 29, 2012


The story of "Falling" is about Josh, a severly autistic 18-year-old with violent tendencies.  His parents, Tami and Bill, have worked hard to create a safe and happy life for Josh and his younger sister, Lisa.  But when Bill's mother elderly mother comes to visit, the family's carefully constructed routine is thrown into a tailspin.  Each character is compelled to examine what he or she needs and wants out of life, and how Josh's presence will affect their future.  "Falling" explores the joys and challenges of raising a child with disabilities.

"Falling" is a delicate one-act play that balances the real-life drama and subtle comedy of raising a disabled child.  Deanna Jent's play offers an honest and realistic look at a struggling but loving family.  There are moments of intense drama juxtaposed with scenes of fantasy.  The five-person cast is led by Broadway veterans Julia Murney and Daniel Everidge, who enact the play's mother/son relationship with great sensitivity.  The show is structured to make audiences laugh and cry.

"Falling" is appropriate for older children and adults with disabilities.  There is some alcohol use, adult language and brief, harrowing scenes of violence, but overall the play is both educational and honest in its depiction of a family dealing with severe autism.


COME  &  SEE ! !    Click  Here  For  Discount   Tickets  ! !

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