Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

"Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?" is set in the fictional college town of New Carthage, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" begins as George and Martha, a middle-aged history professor and his wife, return home after a faculty get-together.  During the party, Martha's father, the president of the college, had introduced the couple to a new teacher and his wife, and unbeknownst to George, Martha has invited them over for drinks--tonight.  As George and Martha sling insults at each other, their wide-eyed guests, Nick and Honey, arrive.  At first the young couple is disconcerted by George and Martha's bickering, but as the liquor flows, Nick and Honey find themselves drawn into their hosts' tumultuous, damaged world.  What begins as a night of fun and games quickly becomes a boxing match as George and Martha battle their guests..and each other.

After acclaimed runs in Chicago and Washington D.C., the Steppenwolf Theatre Company production of  "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" invites audience members into the cluttered living room of George and Martha for a long night of drinking and debauchery.  As the evening unfolds, two couples' darkest secrets are revealed--but the drama isn't simply painful and heart-wrenching.  George and Martha's acerbic wit is, at times, wildly funny and poetic, while Honey earns laughs as she downs glass after glass of brandy.  Edward Albee's Pulitzer Prize-winning play is a modern classic, and this newly imagined production allows audiences to view the beloved drama with fresh eyes.

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" is an excellent choice for mature, older teens, especially if they have studied the play or seen the movie.


COME  AND   SEE,  ENJOY !  !      Click  Here  for  Discount  Tickets !  ! 

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