Based on the 1910 horror novel by Gaston Leroux, which has been adapted into countless films, The Phantom of the Opera follows a deformed composer who haunts the grand Paris Opera House. Sheltered from the outside world in an underground cavern, the lonely, romantic man tutors and composes operas for Christine, a gorgeous young soprano star-to-be. As Christine's star rises and a handsome suitor from her past enters the picture, the Phantom grows mad, terrorizing the opera house owners and company with his murderous ways. Still, Christine finds herself drawn to the mystery man. Audiences agreeThe- Phantom of the Opera is broadway's longest-running hit, Ever!
The Phantom of the Opera is a thrilling night of theater with grand emotions. Andrew Lloyd Webber's score, with its beloved signature song "Music of the Night," sets the mood, but you may also find yourself humming the gorgeous period costumes and simple yet grand sets.
Regarding kids-Phantom of the Opera is Grand Opera and lush romance might not be their cup of tea. And the Phantom is a frightening guy. There are old-fashioned scare moments throughout-a dead corpse plunging from a noose, shrieking-for-their-lives ballerinas, that disfigured face...Such sights will either send your kid burying their face in your arm or thinking it's the coolest show in town.
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This classic Phantom Of Opera Broadway show has entertained millions of people around the world for decades.
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